The Service Department will begin vacuuming leaf piles from the tree lawns, beginning late October, weather permitting. Leaf pick up will not be on a set schedule, rather on an "as needed" basis.
All leaves collected from tree lawns will be composted and made into leaf humus and other soil amendments. Therefore, it is extremely important that all leaves on your tree lawn be placed in piles for vacuum pick up. After December 1st, please bag leaves in paper yard waste bags or
place them in your designated yard waste container. No plastic bags!
Because of a safety hazard, leaves are not to be piled in the street or gutter. Leaves piled in this area will not be picked up, and the resident will be notified to remove the leaves or be cited (C.O. 660.03). Leaves mixed with branches or other material Will NOT be picked up!
We respectfully request your assistance and cooperation to ensure a successful program that will satisfy all of our residents.